Payment Services Regulations 2017 and Electronic Money Regulations 2011

Find out more about the regulation of payment services and e-money, including who is affected by the rules.

On this page

What is a payment service?

Payment services are listed in Schedule 1 to the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSRs). In summary, they are:

Payment Services Regulations

Who do the Payment Service Regulations affect?

The PSRs affect firms providing payment services and their customers. These firms include:

Consult our Perimeter Guidance to see if you fall within the scope of these regulations.

If you provide payment services as a regular occupation or business activity in the UK, you need to apply to us to become either:

The exception to this is if you’re already another type of payment service provider (PSP), or if you’re exempt.

PSPs must comply with conduct of business requirements set out in the PSRs. You must also comply with relevant provisions in our Handbook.

What is electronic money?

Electronic money (e-money) is electronically (including magnetically) stored monetary value, represented by a claim on the issuer, which is issued on receipt of funds for making payment transactions.

It must be accepted as a means of payment by a person other than the electronic money issuer. Types of e-money include:

Electronic Money Regulations

Who do the Electronic Money Regulations affect?

If you intend to issue e-money in the UK, you must be authorised or registered by us, unless you have permission to issue e-money under Part 4A of FSMA, or you’re exempt.

E-money issuers must comply with certain conduct rules about issuing and redeeming e-money set out in the EMRs. You must also comply with relevant provisions in our Handbook.


EBA guidelines

EBA guidelines

Following the UK’s exit from the EU, businesses should continue to apply the EBA guidelines to the extent that they remain relevant. See our approach to EU non-legislative materials.



Guidelines under Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2) on the information to be provided for the authorisation of payment institutions and e-money institutions and for the registration of account information service providers.

These guidelines specify the information that applicants for authorisation as a payment institution (PI) or an e-money institution (EMI) or registration as a registered account information service provider will be required to submit. Details on these requirements are set out in Chapter 3 of Payment Services and Electronic Money - Our Approach.

Guidelines on major incident reporting under Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2)

These guidelines set out the criteria, thresholds and methodology to be used by PSPs to determine whether or not an operational or security incident should be considered major and, therefore, be notified to us.

Details on these requirements are set out in Chapter 13 of Payment Services and Electronic Money - Our Approach.

Guidelines on the security measures for operational and security risks of payment services under Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2)

These guidelines set out the requirements that PSPs should implement to mitigate operational and security risks derived from the provision of payment services.

Details on these requirements are set out in Chapter 18 of Payment Services and Electronic Money - Our Approach and REP018 in our Handbook.

Guidelines on the criteria on how to stipulate the minimum monetary amount of the professional indemnity insurance or other comparable guarantee under Article 5(4) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2)

These guidelines specify criteria and indicators on how to stipulate the minimum monetary amount of the professional indemnity insurance (PII) or other comparable guarantee to be held by providers of account information services or payment initiation services.

Guidelines on procedures for complaints of alleged infringements of Directive (EU) 2015/2366

These guidelines apply to complaints submitted to us with regard to PSPs' alleged infringements of the PSRs. These complaints are to be taken into consideration by competent authorities (the FCA) to ensure and monitor effective compliance with PSD2.

Guidelines on fraud reporting requirements under Article 96(6) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2)

These guidelines provide detail on statistical data on fraud related to different means of payment that PSPs must report to their competent authorities and the aggregated data that the competent authorities have to share with us.

Details on these requirements are set out in Chapter 13 of Payment Services and Electronic Money - Our Approach and REP 017 in our Handbook.