Data Services LabData Services Lab

Part of Data Services, the Data Services Lab has 20 computer workstations offering software supporting data research available to NYU students, faculty, and staff.


The Data Services Lab hosts 25 workstations with 32GB of memory and 1 high-end workstation for computer-intensive software needs. All workstations deploy Windows 10 and have the complete list of Data Services’ supported software installed. Because of the terms of the installed software licenses, the workstations can only be used by current NYU students, faculty, and staff (i.e., those with an active NetID).

Getting Access


To reserve a workstation, please fill out the reservation form.

Project Help

Software specialists are available in the lab at regular hours to help you at our Data Services service point on the south side of the space.

Computer Use Policy

Data Services Lab workstations are reserved for users needing specialized software and are not intended for general computing. Use of the Data Services lab is governed by the following guidelines:



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Get Help

Data Services offers personalized help, both through in-person and virtual consultations. Reach out via email or our form, or visit us during our lab’s open hours.

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