Business English 3.- Routine requests

A routine request, such as a request for information, is one of the most common kinds of writing. A request is routine when (1) you are not asking a special favor, and (2) you expect your request to be accepted. In a routine request, it is not necessary to try to persuade your reader because saying “yes” to your request is a routine part of your reader´s job.

  1. State your main idea in the first or second sentence. This saves time for your reader. Include any necessary information your reader will need to fulfill your request.
  2. Use polite, but not flowery language (see the contrast between letters A and B following).
  3. If you are writing to someone in another culture, consider changing your style to be closer to the tone and formality of the writing in that culture.
  4. Be specific. State exactly what you want.
  5. Close with a friendly tone in your last paragraph.

Here are some ways that routine requests begin:

– I am writing in response/regard to…

– I am writing to request…

– I am interested in finding out…

– I would appreciate…

– I recently read an article (saw an advertisement) regarding… and I would like to know (receive)…

Here are some phrases to state a request:

– I would appreciate receiving…

– I would appreciate it if you could/would…

– Could you send/give me more information about…?

– Please send me this information as soon as possible.

Here are some ways to close the request. The last sentence does not have to be long:

– I look forward to receiving this information.

– I look forward to hearing from you.

– Thank you for sending us this information.

Thank you for your kind consideration of our company. It was with great pleasure that we received your letter informing us about your new products. Our company is one of the oldest in our city, and we are honored to be one of the largest in our area. We would welcome the opportunity to find out more about your company.

May we please receive more specific information about your products and prices. We look forward to establishing a relationship with your company.

Thank you for contacting me about your new products. I am interested in getting more information about the TY298, including the price and warranty.

Also, I would appreciate knowing what quantity discounts you give.