Fourth amendment bangladesh constitution

143. (1) There shall vest in the Republic, in addition to any other land or property lawfully vested –

(a) all minerals and other things of value underlying any land of Bangladesh;

(b) all lands, minerals and other things of value underlying the ocean within the territorial waters, or the ocean over the continental shelf, of Bangladesh; and

(c) any property located in Bangladesh that has no rightful owner.

(2) Parliament may from time to time by law provide for the determination of the boundaries of the territory of Bangladesh and of the territorial waters and the continental shelf of Bangladesh.

Executive authority in relation to property, trade, etc.

144. The executive authority of the Republic shall extend to the acquisition, sale, transfer, mortgage and disposal of property, the carrying on of any trade or business and the making of any contract.

Contracts and deeds

145. (1) All contracts and deeds made in exercise of the executive authority of the Republic shall be expressed to be made by the President, and shall be executed on behalf of the President by such person and in such manner as he may direct or authorise.

(2) Where a contract or deed is made or executed in exercise of the executive authority of the Republic, neither the President nor any other person making or executing the contract or deed in exercise of that authority shall be personally liable in respect thereof, but this article shall not prejudice the right of any person to take proceedings against the Government.

International treaties

1 [145A. All treaties with foreign countries shall be submitted to the President, who shall cause them to be laid before Parliament :

Provided that any such treaty connected with national security shall be laid in a secret session of Parliament.]

Suits in name of Bangladesh 146. The Government of Bangladesh may sue or be sued by the name of Bangladesh. Remuneration, etc., of certain officers

147. (1) The remuneration, privileges and other terms and conditions of service of a person holding or acting in any office to which this article applies shall be determined by or under Act of Parliament, but until they are so determined -

(a) they shall be those (if any) appertaining to the person holding or, as the case may be, acting in the office in question immediately before the commencement of this Constitution; or

(b) if the preceding sub clause is not applicable, they shall be determined by order made by the President.

(2) The remuneration, privileges and other terms and conditions of service of a person holding or acting in any office to which this article applies shall not be varied to the disadvantage of any such person during his term of office.

(3) No person appointed to or acting in any office to which this article applies shall hold any office, post or position of profit or emolument or take any part whatsoever in the management or conduct of any company, association or body having profit or gain as its object:

Provided that such person shall not for the purposes of this clause be deemed to hold any such office, post or position by reason only that he holds or is acting in the office first above mentioned.

(4) This article applies to the offices of – (a) President; 3 [(b) Prime Minister;] (c) Speaker or Deputy Speaker; 4 [(d) Minister, Minister of State or Deputy Minister;] (e) Judge of the Supreme Court; (f) Comptroller and Auditor General; (g) Election Commissioner; (h) Member of a public service commission. Oaths of office

148. (1) A person elected or appointed to any office mentioned in the Third Schedule shall before entering upon the office make and subscribe an oath or affirmation (in this article referred to as “an oath”) in accordance with that Schedule.

(2) Where under this Constitution an oath is required to be administered by a specified person 6 [* * *], it may be administered by such other person and at such place as may be designated by that person.

7 [(2A) If, within three days next after publication through official Gazette of the result of a general election of members of Parliament under clause (3) of article 123, the person specified under the Constitution for the purpose or such other person designated by that person for the purpose, is unable to, or does not, administer oath to the newly elected members of Parliament, on any account, the Chief Election Commissioner shall administer such oath within three days next thereafter, as if, he is the person specified under the Constitution for the purpose.]

(3) Where under this Constitution a person is required to make an oath before he enters upon an office he shall be deemed to have entered upon the office immediately after he makes the oath.

Saving for existing laws

149. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution all existing laws shall continue to have effect but may be amended or repealed by law made under this Constitution.

Transitional and temporary provisions

8 [150. (1) The provisions set out in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution at the time of the Commencement of this Constitution on the 16th day of December, 1972 shall have effect as transitional and temporary provisions notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Constitution.

(2) In the period between the 7th day of March, 1971 and the date of commencement of this Constitution on the 16th day of December, 1972, the historical speech delivered by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, in the Racecourse Maidan, Dhaka on the 7th day of March, 1971, set out in the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution, the telegram of the Declaration of Independence of Bangladesh made by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation on the 26th day of March, 1971 set out in the Sixth Schedule and the Proclamation of Independence of the Mujibnagar Government on the 10th day of April, 1971 set out in the Seventh Schedule are the historical speech and instruments of the independence and the struggle of freedom of Bangladesh which shall be deemed to be the transitional and the temporary provision for the said period.]