24 Signs That You’re an ISFP, the “Virtuoso” Personality Type

ISFPs don’t get nearly enough attention in the Myers-Briggs® community. While a lot of the attention goes to the rare intuitive types, ISFPs seemed to have mysteriously slipped through the cracks. Yet these types seem to bridge the gap between being idealistic and realistic, dreamers and doers, friendly but quiet. To get a deeper look at this type, let’s take a look at 24 things you’ll relate to if you are an ISFP.

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Ever wondered if the #ISFP is your true personality type? Find out in this in-depth article! #MBTI #Personality

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Find out what it means to be an #ISFP personality type. #MBTI #Personality

24 Signs That You Are an ISFP

#1 – You’re Extremely Down to Earth

You take life as it comes and, according to typologists Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger, “are the most unassuming and down-to-earth of all types.” (p. 49, The Art of Speed-Reading People). You are very aware of the facts of life, and the reality of what is happening around you. Not much can rattle you because you tend to have a very grounded outlook.

#2 – You Show Your Affection Through Actions More Than Words

You’re typically not someone to verbalize a bunch of effusive praises to the people you love. Rather than whispering sweet nothings, you’re more likely to shovel someone’s snow or make them a mixtape. Your feelings, although deep, are very private and internally felt. You tend to show your affection and love through acts of service and helpful gestures more than words of admiration.

#3 – You Are Deeply Affected by the Pain or Misfortune of Others

Although you may seem mysterious and even stoic on the outside, you are deeply feeling on the inside. You are tremendously affected by the pain, unhappiness, or trauma of others. You instantly imagine how it must feel to be in their shoes. This empathy tends to grow as you age and mature. You might find yourself feeling intensely troubled, sensing a deep pain in your heart and a lump in your throat as you hear about the afflictions that others have experienced.

#4 – You Take a While to Get to Know

You’re not someone who immediately wears your heart on your sleeve. You need to know that you can trust someone before you share your true feelings, your pain, or your tough experiences in life. Highly effusive, expressive people can be overwhelming to you and if they ask for a lot of details about your life it can make you feel anxious or even suspicious.

#5 – You Quickly Notice What Other People Need

Because you are so observant and attentive to details, you are quick to notice when the people around you seem worried, stressed, cold, or uncomfortable in any way. You’re probably one of the first to offer a warm blanket to someone who is cold, or the first to go snuggle a pet that seems lonely or anxious for friendship.

#6 – You Try to Hold Space for People’s Unique Differences

It’s crucial to you to be open-minded to the experiences and worldviews of others. While you hold strictly to your own beliefs, you also realize that everyone else is shaped by their unique life experiences. You tend to be quietly accepting of others unless they are sharing beliefs that are condescending or harsh to your personal values.

#7 – Managing Long-Range Projects Leaves You Overwhelmed

Because you’re more focused on the present than the future, it can be challenging for you to imagine how things are likely to play out. Projects that take a lot of focused, methodical attention and have a distant payout tend to be frustrating to you. You like to get quick results and see an immediate result from what you are putting your energy into now.

#8 – You Are Suspicious of Sugarcoating and Overly-Effusive Behavior

Some people believe that feeling types want all their words wrapped up in words of praise, affirmation, or compliments. For ISFPs, this can actually be off-putting. These types like people who are straightforward and real with them. Authenticity and direct honesty are more important to them than cloying, sentimental words.

#9 – You Have a Lot of Aesthetic Sense

You notice the world around you in high-definition detail. Details stand out. Blue isn’t just blue, it’s Sapphire or Egyptian Blue or Azure. You notice what colors complement each other and enjoy perusing art museums or looking at different fashions to see which style best resembles you as an individual. To you, colors, designs, clothing – all of it can exemplify a part of your unique personality in a way that words just can’t define.

#10 – You Crave Creative Freedom

You enjoy toying with creative supplies and materials to come up with something completely unique. You enjoy careers that allow you to be creative, whether that’s through photography, marketing, cooking, hairstyling, performing, or many other avenues.

#11 – You Hate Being Rushed

You weigh decisions for longer than most people, trying to understand the significance or value of each option in-depth. When people pressure you to make up your mind quickly, you feel irritable and resentful.

#12 – You Empathize with the Underdog

You are particularly drawn to oddballs, misfits, and misunderstood or marginalized people. Because of your individualistic nature, you appreciate people who march to the beat of their own drum.

#13 – You’re a Closeted Adrenaline Junkie

Sure, you enjoy binge-watching Netflix and laboring over a creative project. But there’s also a side of you that is hungry for physical intensity and thrilling action. Whether you’re rock climbing, dancing, or speeding past a slow driver – you enjoy pushing yourself physically and getting a rush of independence and freedom as a result.

#14 – You Help People See Options

You have an eye for opportunities in the present moment, and you help people find resources and alternatives they may not have considered previously. You tend to stay calm in a crisis and help people find creative ways out of difficult situations.

#15 – You’re Drawn to the Mysterious

You enjoy spending time alone and imagining how the future could unfold. Conceptualizing new ways of seeing things can be very stimulating and energizing for you. At the same time, you tend to distrust yourself when it comes to guessing how something will happen in the distant future. When you’re being creative your intuition really does shine! You enjoy doing creative projects where you can draw attention to mysterious or symbolic meanings.

#16 – You Hate Rigid Rules and Structures

You like being flexible and adapting to the needs of the moment rather than being stuck with guidelines that tie you down. You feel like life is unpredictable, and as a result, it’s better to be able to go with the flow rather than check-in with your schedule to make sure everything is running according to a strict plan.

#17 – You Dislike Giving Negative Feedback

Critiquing people is something that tends to send shivers up your spine. You like to create an atmosphere of openness and quiet warmth, not an atmosphere of defensiveness and shame. Because of this, you tend to put off giving criticism or give it as gently as humanly possible.

#18 – You Think Better When You’re Surrounded by Beauty

Sitting in a stale cubicle is probably one of the worst ways for you to hand in your best work. Your creativity and focus blossom when you are surrounded by lush colors or ethereal landscapes. You often work well outdoors, in the wilderness, or in an area that you’ve made your own with beautiful details that inspire you.

#19 – You Crave Independence

Nothing fills you with more joy than venturing out on your own to do something meaningful. Stepping onto an airplane, roaming around in your car, or taking a risk on a career that aligns with your values (even if it dismays your more traditional parents) fills you with a sense of purpose and peace. You don’t like being tied down to someone else’s dreams, rules, or demands.

#20 – You Enjoy Binge-Watching Netflix When You’re Stressed

Okay, a lot of people do this, but your type especially enjoys television as a stress-reliever (according to the MBTI® Manual). When you’ve had a bad day, you enjoy piling up some comfy pillows and blankets, gathering your favorite snacks, and having a marathon of your favorite shows.

#21 – Speaking of Stress, You Become More Critical When You’re Burned Out

Normally gentle and tolerant, when you’re severely stressed, your personality can change unexpectedly. You might blurt out sarcastic or critical comments at people who are bothering you or get caught up in rage-fueled fantasies. Often you feel like everyone else is being lazy, inefficient, or incompetent. You can find out more about your stress reaction here.

#22 – Schedules Feel Confining

For you, bedtime is “when you’re tired,” and mealtime is “when you’re hungry.” You follow your instincts as you go through your day rather than structuring everything out. Family rituals where you have to rush through plans and schedules with a lot of other people tend to exhaust you.

#23 – You Don’t Want to Control Others

You hate the idea of invading anyone’s space – whether it be a human or an animal. Your “live and let live” mentality makes you a go-to friend for people who need space and freedom. You believe that every entity on this planet deserves personal freedom, respect, and a sense that their life is their own road to trailblaze.

#24 – Later in Life You Find More Satisfaction in Order

If you’re in your 50s or 60s, you’ve probably reached a point where you can organize your tasks and projects more easily. It’s easy for you to lay out reasonable explanations for things and you can argue your points with veracity. When you were younger, this was much more difficult for you.

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What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you relate to these ISFP characteristics? Do you have any insights to add? Let us know in the comments! Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Ever wondered if the #ISFP is your true personality type? Find out in this in-depth article! #MBTI #Personality

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Ever wondered if the #ISFP is your true personality type? Find out in this in-depth article! #MBTI #Personality

Susan Storm is a certified MBTI® practitioner and Enneagram coach. She is the mom of five beautiful children and loves using her knowledge of personality type to understand them and others better! She has written over 1,000 articles about typology as well as four books including: Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ: Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ: Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP: Understanding the Dreamer

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Caracal says:

# 3 Sorry, but this is a little too idealistic vision of the introverted feeling … The majority of the Black Lives Matter demonstrators are F and probably also Fi. So if this is so true, why not demonstrate for the 90% of Whites killed by Blacks in the USA in 2018 (Black-White interracial violence). From the Department of Justice. Or even Tony Timpa this White guy killed in the same conditions?

Caracal says: Correction: “attacked” not necessarily “killed” Sarah says: What the hell are you even talking about. How does that have ANYTHING to do with this article? Stella S. says:

Hi there! Just got through reading this post. I’m an ISFP and as I read each characteristic, I thought, Yes, yes, yes. As for number 20, though, I don’t have Netflix. But I do mini-binge watch favorite TV shows on my little portable DVD player (would that count?). That is, if I can stay awake long enough to watch anything. A bit difficult to do as I get older (I’m in my early 50s). If I make it through an entire movie without dozing off, that’s a small victory for me.
One question, though. I find myself getting more snippy and wanting to push back more when some friends or other people rush me, particularly wanting/demanding an immediate response. I also have a plan-happy friend who tends to work my last nerve when she talks about planning for the future when I have no idea what it will be like. I simply don’t know. I’d rather concentrate on now. The present. When I was younger I would stew and not say anything, but now that I’m in my fifth decade of life and finding my voice, I find myself wanting to fight back. Does this happen when an ISFP gets older or is it just me? Anyhow, love the post. Nearly everything rang true for me.

Anonymous says:

@Caracal – I’m not sure I understand your point. #3 is about having empathy, not who’s willing to join a socio-economic movement. Black Lives Matter is meant to end oppression against minorities. Mentioning ‘white demonstrations’ in that conversation sullies the purpose of the movement and lacks humility. I see the correlation you’re trying to make but your comment has nothing to do with this particular MBTI article. @PsyJ.
I’m an ISTP, and I definitely resonate with some of these quirks! This was an interesting read, as I have a very close friend who is an ISFP.

Elena says:

Hi Susan and Stella! Reading this post was like looking in a mental mirror; an amazing and weird (good weird!) sensation.
I’m not a psychologist, and I didn’t know I was an ISFP until very recently. So I’ve been reading about my personality type, as well as the personality types of the very few people I care the most about, to understand myself (and them) better, and be better to both myself and them. So thank you very much for all this, Susan. Even more surprising now, because it came from outside the psychology books guidelines, was reading Stella’s comment.
Wow… there’s another good-weird and also comforting thing there… Stella, I hope you will read my reply some day… Because reading your comment was like reading something written by myself, but with more life experience. And it’s so nice for me! I can “see” you reacting (maybe better than before? I don’t know… I’m not the psychologist) in my view more wisely, more openly, and showing your true colors…
For me, there have been many times when I would have loved to yell out loud “I don’t want to waste tine planning or participating in your perfectly structured plans with you!” …hahaaa!! But I don’t do it… because I think I may hurt the other person’s feelings. Maybe this happened a lot to you too… Until you got tired…!
I’d love to reach that point soon! hahahah! Well, if I’m saying this, maybe I’m about to, anyway! I do think that watching your favorite shows in your portable player counts, and maybe even more than watching Neflix! It’s totally valid if you just have your tastes refined, and trending shows or movies just don’t fit with the experience you want to have while deliberately wasting time looking at the screen. And maybe you also don’t like being told what to watch, or to watch those “latest tendencies”… You want to follow your own choices and interests.
Nobody else replied this until now, but I think that saying “Netflix” is just a metonymy, and it refers to the fact that ISFPs like to get in their perfectly warm-comfy-cozy ambient, and engage in a totally inactive-activity to give their minds some rest from “reality”, get lost in something really interesting or mind-stimulating for them, and also get some inspiration; And only you can know better than anyone else (certainly better than Netflix) what it is that gives you that, and where to find it. Well… I need to repeat this: I’m amazed. The way you think, and even more, the way that you express yourself… A mental mirror!
Thank you for being an instant master for me! Showing me that this is just the way we are, and that age doesn’t count (in the sense of being who we are, but of course it counts for having more experience to manage better our own ways) because who we are is engraved in our inner fabric, and we don’t need to work against it, but along with it. After reading all of this (Susan’s articles and your comment, Stella) I have more hope in myself, and feel that I’m not damaged or just through a -seemingly endless- phase; I’m just like this, and I don’t have to feel bad about it, and I can even say when I want or don’t want pushy people around telling me that I need to make things differently, or elaborate some plans and stop being so… me! I’m amazed by these personality and behavioral links… There’s not much people with whom I could feel so instantly reflected and identified… Thanks for everything, Susan and Stella, specially for reading, if you did. Maybe we can make a book out of this biblical-length comment… haha!