Filing the Custody / Paternity Papers

If you want to get the court's help with paternity, custody, visitation, and child support, you can file a paternity or a child custody case. The instructions and all the forms needed to open a paternity or custody case are in this section.

Before you begin:

You can attend a FREE custody class where you can learn the basics of custody law and the court procedures you need to know. The classes are presented in both English and Spanish. You'll receive a class manual and some great tips to help you represent yourself. Visit Free Classes for more information.

Follow these steps to start a custody case:

1. Fill out the forms. You have to fill out 3 forms to start your case, and another optional form if needed.

2. File the forms. Turn in your completed forms by mail, efiling, or in person to the Clerk of Court.

3. Serve Defendant. You must have a 3rd person hand-deliver a copy of the filed forms to the Defendant.

4. Wait and see what happens. You will have more forms to file with the court no matter what.

Learn more about each step below.

1. Fill out the forms

To open a case you will need to file the forms below, or use the guided online interview to complete them electronically.

Automated Custody Forms Interview with Efile Available! (not available for paternity)

You can use an automated interview that will complete your forms for you after you answer some questions about what you want to request. To use the automated interview, click here and select the "CHILD CUSTODY: Complaint" interview. It is best to use Chrome or Firefox (Safari is not recommended and not supported).

At the end of the interview you can efile directly through the program or print/save your forms to file in person.

Family Court Cover Sheet - required

This form is REQUIRED. It lists basic information about you, the other parent, and the children. You are the Plaintiff and the other parent is the Defendant. The Clerk of Court uses this information to open your case.

Check the "child custody" box if you are primarily filing a custody case. Check the "paternity" box if you are primarily filing a paternity case. Do not check both.

Complaint for Custody or Paternity - required

This form is REQUIRED. The complaint tells the judge and the other parent what kind of orders you want. You are the Plaintiff and the other party is the Defendant. Fill out ONLY ONE complaint depending on the main issue you need addressed. Do not fill out both forms.

Complaint for Custody. This complaint assumes that the father is known and there is no disagreement about paternity. It allows you to propose what custody, visitation, and child support orders you want. You will check boxes and fill in blanks to tell the judge and the other parent things like: