Income-restricted housing

We understand that identifying affordable housing you qualify for and applying for it can be a challenge. We’ve compiled some information to help you navigate the affordable housing system.

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What is income restricted housing?

Income-restricted housing is reserved for households earning below a certain income. Eligibility is based on your household size and total income.

The Department of Neighborhood Development lists income-restricted housing both for rent and for sale in Boston and the surrounding area:

Income Eligibility and Area Median Income

How eligibility works:

Eligibility will always be based on a percentage of area median income or AMI% .

The Area Median Income (AMI) is the household income for the median — or middle — household in a region. If you were to line up each household in the area from the poorest to the wealthiest, the household in the middle would be the median household. To determine a household’s AMI% we compare a household’s income to a percentage of the AMI.

Can you give me an example?

Let’s say the area median income is $100,000. If a given household’s total income is $70,000 that would equal 70% AMI. If that same household’s income were $130,000 that would equal 130% AMI.

How is area median income determined?

Each year, agencies that fund affordable housing, such as the Department of Housing and Urban development (HUD) and the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA), calculate the average income for areas across the country. Once you’ve learned about your eligibility it will help you successfully search for affordable housing.

To determine your eligibility you need to know the following information:

You can enter some simple details into the Eligibility Estimator to help you determine what housing you’re likely to qualify for: